SpecFicNZ Spotlights: Your Time to Shine

SpecFicNZ Spotlights: Your Time to Shine

Greetings, writerly and creative folks!

Here in the SpecFicNZ Committee, we’ve been hatching plans for how we can get to know you better as well as help you with publicising what you’re up to in your corner of the writing world. One way we want to do this is to feature our members here on the blog, with whatever you’d like to tell us about. Below are some questions you may use for inspiration if you wish. Please keep your total wordcount around 500 – no need to include the questions, only the answers. We may edit a little at our discretion. Send your interviews to specficnz at gmail dot com along with a photo of yourself and an image of your most recent book cover if you have one. We can’t wait to find out what makes you tick!

Tell us about your most recent release or current writing project.
What is your number one writing tip? (This is a good one to finish on)
How did you first get into writing – and/or: what drew you to speculative fiction?
Talk about a favourite author who influenced you, and in what way.
How do you go about your writing – do you have scheduled sessions, write on the bus, in bed, etc? Is there anything you like to do in order to prepare yourself to write?
Do you plan out your stories before writing, or do you just dive in? How does that work for you?
Where do you live and how does your environment influence your writing/writing habits? (No need to give an actual location – this could be something like “In a suburb”, “On a farm”, etc.)
Favourite speculative fandom and why? (e.g. Trekkie, Marvel, Whovian…)
Favourite speculative movie and one-sentence review?
Favourite NZ speculative book and one-sentence review?

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