Award Nomination Season

What comes after the Holiday Season? If you’re a writer, it’s Award Nomination Season.

The Sir Julius Vogel Awards is now accepting nominations for work published in 2010.

The Sir Julius Vogel sub-committee of SFFANZ is accepting nominations for science fiction and fantasy works first published or released in the 2010 calendar year. Details of the Sir Julius Vogel Awards can be viewed by clicking on this link.

Nominations open on January 1st 2011 and close on 31st March 2011 at 8.00pm.

Please email your nominations to [email protected]

Please send one nomination per email and include as many contact details as possible for the nominee as well as yourself.

A detailed nomination FAQ can be found here

Rules and Criteria for the Sir Julius Vogel Awards
Rules and Criteria for the Sir Julius Vogel Awards (PDF)

Voting for the awards will take place at the 2011 National Science Fiction convention, Context.

Please support the works that you like by nominating them, even if you think (or know) that they have already been nominated – additional nominations still matter. The number of nominations a work receives may have a direct bearing on whether it makes it to the final ballot.

If you are a SpecFicNZ member and have works that qualify for nomination, we’d love to compile a list on our website. Comment below, or send us details at specficnz(at)

And Good Luck!

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