

A.J. Ponder


A.J. Ponder has a head full of monsters, and recklessly spills them out onto the written page. Beware dragons, dreadbeasts, taniwha, and small children – all are equally dangerous, and capable of treading on your heart – or tearing it, still beating, from your chest.

Best known for the satirical epic fantasy The Sylvalla Chronicles (Quest, Prophecy & Omens) – a work that’s often compared to other postmodern works like that of Pratchett and Python. A.J.’s award winning short stories include; Dying for the Record, Frankie and the Netball Clone, BlindSight & Ahi Kā.

A.J. first started writing stories for School Journals with Science Fiction Maestro, Peter Friend. With lots of aliens, adventurers and planets made from various foodstuffs, there was a lot of fun to be had. But in the world of writing there are a billion worlds to explore – fantasy, science fiction and even horror – and A.J. wants to explore them all.

Books for Younger Readers

Wizard’s Guide to Wellington: a boy and his cousin discover Wellington is not the city they thought it was, but full of wonder and danger as evil wizards seek to wake a taniwha the size of a mountain to harness its power.

The Frankie Files: A dyslexic inventor discovers the wonders of science, both real and magical. In a book that teaches scientific method in a way Roald Dahl would be proud of.

Attack of the Giant Bugs a You Choose Adventure Book: More science, more real bugs, more Frankie and an adventure set in a museum and pitted against “The Bug Man” who wants to take over the world using Frankie’s shrink ray to create an army of giant bugs.

The Great Weta Robbery and Save the Moa: More mad science. Written with Peter Friend and currently with Gilt Edge publishing.

Books for Teens and Tweens

Miss Lionheart and the Laboratory of Death: Lilly Lionheart is bundled into Mr Big’s underground laboratory to create designer creatures  – or die.

Epic Fantasy

The Sylvalla Chronicles (Quest, Prophecy & Omens)

Princess Sylvalla is determined to become a hero and discovers that being a hero isn’t nearly as much fun as people make out – and a whole lot more dangerous – as she faces escalating danger in a world that doesn’t appreciate her skill. Each book is an adventure in it’s own right and can be read as straight fantasy, or, by more discerning readers, as a spoof of the trope it’s been named after.

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