Droppers: The Recycled Earth #2

by J. J. Mathews

Book Cover: Droppers: The Recycled Earth #2
Part of the The Recycled Earth series:
Editions:Paperback: $ 19.99
ISBN: 9781738608096
Size: 5.00 x 8.00 in
Pages: 305
Kindle: $ 4.99
ISBN: 9780995136434
Pages: 305

Year 998 P.E. (Post Earth)

The Earth is dead.

Or is it?

Searchers have spent centuries looking in vain for signs of recovery on the Earth below, and for hospitable planets out amongst the stars.

Day in, day out, analysing the endless streams of images that Oversight brings them, looking for the tell-tale green of life.

Until one day, eighteen-year-old Miya sees something else. Something that shouldn’t exist on the dead planet below. Something she isn’t supposed to see.

Running for her life, Miya flees the Ark to the inhospitable planet below. But inhospitable doesn’t necessarily mean dead. There’s life, she had seen the signs. Unless the picture was a fake, then she’ll be dead soon enough.

After arriving on the surface, Miya sets out on a mission to rescue another Searcher, but survival is far from assured. She has hundreds of kilometres to travel on foot, on the edge of deep winter in the middle of an ice age, and there are monsters out there.

Some of them are human.

Publisher: Mouse Moon Press
Cover Artists:

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